Introducing Leegality Consent Manager
Collect, store and manage customer consent across all touchpoints - in compliance with the DPDP Act
Collect valid consent across all customer touchpoints
Integrate our configurable consent UI easily on your website, app, third party websites, email, sms or offline methods.
Keep all consent records in a single place
Create immutable and verifiable records of consent that comply with government standards. Store all consent records in a single place for high availability and audit
Enforce DPDP Compliance across all your systems
Onboard, monitor and instruct all your third parties and internal systems for DPDP compliance
Comprehensive Data Principal Rights Management
Collect and manage all requests to exercise rights of data principals from our business application
Master Data Protection Compliance with our expert insights
Data Retention Guide
Data Retention Requirements for storing personal data
DPDP Compliance Checklist
Step by step checklist to become fully compliant with Data Protection Act
Streamline Your Consent Management
Discover how our Consent Manager simplifies the collection, storage, and management of consents ensuring compliance with the DPDP Act