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Aadhaar eSign is an electronic signature permitted under Schedule II of the Information Technology Act, 2000. Aadhaar eSign can be affixed through four methods:
To perform Aadhaar eSign, a signer will require:
- A valid Aadhaar number
- Access to a mobile phone or email ID linked to their Aadhaar number
For Aadhaar via Fingerprint and IRIS Authentication, the signer will need to have their Aadhaar Biometrics switched on
Aadhaar eSign can be used to sign any type of document since it is a valid electronic execution method under the Information Technology Act.
The only exceptions are the 5 documents listed in Schedule I of the Information Technology Act (Wills, Trust Deeds, Contracts for Transfer of Interest in Immovable Property, Negotiable Instruments other than cheques and Powers of Attorney). These 5 documents cannot be Aadhaar eSigned unless there is a specific law permitting this.
Yes, Aadhaar eSign is valid and enforceable in court. In fact, under the Evidence Act signatures like Aadhaar eSign have specific presumptions in their favour. This makes Aadhaar eSign easier to enforce than other signing types.
We’ve written a series of deep dives into various aspects of Aadhaar eSign. You can access them here
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