Digitize your MSME Loan Documentation in Minutes
Trusted by 100+ top MSME lenders

“The new Leegality process helps boost productivity 3-4 times - freeing up precious man-hours. It also accelerates the disbursement process by cutting down the lead time for the customer to execute the loan kit and also the lead time at our end to process the signed copy. This helps us achieve exponential AUM growth without significantly increasing the headcount”
Ajit K Menon
Group Chief Operating Officer @ Vivriti Capital
With Leegality, you can build a fast 4 step digital process for your MSME loan paperwork
MSME loan docket is digitally created and stamped
Borrowers and guarantors eSign the documents in a fast yet secure way
Affix Authorized Signatory signatures automatically
Signed documents and audit trail directly stored in your LOS/LMS
It’s fast and easy to get started with Leegality
Configure MSME Loan Document Workflow on the Leegality dashboard without IT/Tech involvement
Run workflow at scale without an API integration
Integrate the Leegality API into your app and web interfaces
Get a free custom demo for your team
In our custom demo, we will: