eSign your documents in minutes

With Leegality, businesses and individuals can start eSigning their daily paperwork in a fast, easy and compliant way

15+ different eSign methods
Signature fraud prevention
Minimal IT/Tech involvemen
ISO mark logo
ISO 27001 Certified
SOC 2 Compliant

2500+ Indian businesses are already BharatSigning their agreements, forms and other documents

99.9% eSign uptime

Automatically routes signers to the eSign Service Provider (ESP) with the highest uptime to ensure successful eSign on the first attempt via Auto-Switch to Best ESP

Configure automatic fallback options when UIDAI is facing downtime via Non Aadhaar Routing

In-built fraud prevention

Prevent customers from using someone else’s Aadhaar/DSC to eSign with eSign Verifier

Ensure correct signer is eSigning with AI powered Signer Face Match

Prevent eSign from happening in unauthorised locations with eSign Geofencing

Implement at scale with minimal IT/tech involvement

Go-live at scale without an API integration via Automated Dashboard Workflows - without IT/tech involvement

Your IT/tech teams can integrate our APIs in less than 2 days thanks to our Smart API system

excel upload

2500+ Indian businesses are already BharatSigning their agreements, forms and other documents

Leegality Document Infrastructure 2-minute demo.


Step 1: You need a document to eSign

With Leegality, you can upload your own PDF or use a template. Here, we’ve uploaded a sample PDF for you.


Hang on, since this document is an agreement, you should not proceed without stamping!

Leegality allows you to digitally stamp in 31 Indian States/UTs

Full doc

Step 2: Affix a digital stamp

Each page of the document will have the serial number of digital stamp affixed. 

Stamp affixed successfully!

Step 3 : Send the document for signing

  • With Leegality, you can send out documents to as many signers as you want. For now, add yourself as the signer.
  • The eSign interface will open in a popup and you’ll receive the final document on the email you enter below
Note :
*The eSign interface will open in a popup
*You’ll receive the final document on the email you enter above
*Leegality doesn’t store or process this personal information. We will only use this information to send you the final signed document and the Secure Audit Trail.

Complete the eSign in the pop-up window

●    Note - In case the eSign pop-up doesn’t open, check the pop-up blocker in your browser.
●    Check your email for the signed document and Secure Audit Trail once signing is done
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.
Add document
Affix stamp
enter signer details
eSign the document
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“Thanks to this new digital paperwork process, our quantum of loans disbursed per branch has gone up by approximately 30%”

Shivaprakash D
Chief Technology Officer
Read Case Study
Increase in daily loan disbursals

"What (paperwork) used to take 7 days, can now be done within minutes"

Arkojit Kundu
Arkojit Kundu
Product Owner - eSign, Digital Centre of Excellence
Read Case Study
7 mins
Average execution time

The new Leegality process helps boost productivity 3-4 times - freeing up precious man-hours.

Ajit K Menon
VP and Head, Operations
Read Case Study
Productivity boost