Not all epiphanies are pleasant.
Since its inception, Leegality set out to reimagine the way India signed its documents.
In the 4 years, our product has greatly matured from a mere Aadhaar eSign gateway to a comprehensive digital document execution platform.
As the product matured and the problem-solution fit became relevant across multiple industries, Leegality began to focus on improving its eSign journeys with customization, security and identification metrics by introducing features like:-
- Face Capture
- GPS Capture
- Certificate verifiers
- Liveliness checks
- Custom Consent Layers
- Digital Rubber Stamping
- Custom Messaging
- Email/Phone Notification Configurations
- Templates
- Stamp Papers
- Folders
- Custom Signature Postioning.
You get the picture.
On paper, this sounds very impressive but in consequence, it made using the product much more cumbersome and this reflected in both aspects of our product:-
- Dashboard: Our eSign dashboard began to be used by enterprise customers. In an API driven SaaS industry – dashboard use is often neglected. We were also guilty of the same. Our dashboard users wanted to avail a lot of our numerous configuration capabilities along with their eSign journeys – but when actually implementing it in their teams – they found that memorizing and executing a combination of settings from a huge set was a difficult task to do manually through the dashboard.
This was leading to:
• Mistakes in sending out documents
• Extra training of Client’s agents and employees (‘Leegality Users’) delaying the onboarding by many months
• Extra support requirements
• Rising tensions between Leegality Support and Leegality Users (we are only half kidding about this one)
- API: API integrations with Leegality eSign involve extensive discussions and coordination between business/ product/ implementation and tech teams of our clients. Given that integrating Leegality is just one of the many actionables that these teams need to execute – integration often gets delayed due to the sheer numbers of parameters that need to be configured by the tech team in conjunction with product/ business/ implementation teams.
This led us to a horrible conclusion. In our sales pitches and product demos, we made tall claims of Leegality use being a simple 3-step process. But from the above experiences – it is clear that our claims were falling flat.
We had to do something about this – urgently.
So we decided to completely transform the way our product operates.

Introducing – Workflows
A workflow, quite simply, allows you to save the configurations that make up the signing journey (sign options, sign verification, signature positioning, number of signatories, templates used, stamp paper needed, authentication options, contracting features, custom consent layer, custom messaging etc.)
Thus, with workflows, the complex configuration process needs to be performed by a Leegality User ONLY ONCE – making the user experience significantly easier.
Not having to replicate configurations, again and again, fixes a lot of the problems we discussed earlier:
- Errors in configurations when sending out documents are eliminated
- The amount of training required for Leegality Users is significantly reduced – cutting onboarding time by a month.
- There are fewer support tickets
- Leegality Support and Leegality Users become one big happy family (like before, we are only half-joking about this)

A Leegality User can now actually send a document for eSign in just a few clicks – saving time and allowing them to focus on bigger and better things. This is true liberation from paperwork.
Sending a document through the dashboard is now as smooth as Amul butter.
Have a look at how easy it is now to send out a document using workflows through the 1.)dashboard or take it to the next level with the 2.) spreadsheet workflows
Post workflows, our eSign API has changed. This is beautiful.
In the old Leegality API, tech teams had to painstakingly program each parameter of the signing flow – upto 65 Lines of Code merely to configure the signing invite flow – more chance of mistakes and significant coordination in logistics internally!
In the new Leegality API 3.0 – you don’t need to configure each parameter in code! All you need to do is copy-paste the Workflow ID (remember your configurations have been saved) and pass it as a parameter along with variable parameters.
Any change that happens in the workflow via the dashboard doesn’t require a subsequent code level change in the integration, offering much more flexibility to the Business teams and limits the tech involvement in the process to a one-time integration process.
This results in a smoother and easier implementation experience. This also allows Leegality Users to adapt new and expanding features easily without touching the code base of the API integration.

Check out the differences between APIs:

What next?
Workflows solve the problem of plenty and allow for a smoother, more agile eSign experience for the Leegality User – with greater cohesion, speed, and efficiency. After using Workflows you will never go back to any other form of digital document execution again.
To help you learn how to use the new Leegality – through workflows – we will require your time. 13 minutes of your time to be more precise. Check out our Workflow Feature Showcase below and get started right away!
Give us 28 minutes of your time and book a free demo and consultation with our Document Experts. Go paperless in a week! Contact us now!