Instant  Education Loans: HDFC Credila Slashes Document Execution Time from 4 Days to 10 Minutes
Why one of India's biggest education loan providers digitised their loan paperwork with Leegality and how it's increasing their business

Quick look at our work with HDFC Credila:
Loan disbursals in minutes:
Loan document execution time slashed from 4 days to just 10 minutes.
More productive teams:
Teams have more time now to focus on customer service and sourcing, instead of running around doing paperwork.
Same day loan disbursals = Happier customers:
Instant loan disbursals and the convenience of remote digital signing significantly enhanced customer experience.
Enhanced Security and Compliance:
Leegality’s fraud prevention suite and secure storage options help lower risk and keep compliance teams happy

Hear directly from the technology and operations leaders at HDFC Credila, who led the charge in dramatically reducing document turnaround time for education loans.
Mr. Shashank Agrawal, Chief Technology Officer, and Ms. Nishita Mazumdar, Head - Branch Operations, talked to us about: