Freshly Baked at Leegality: Get eSign link delivery and status receipts, verify signer's identity with Quick Sign & more | September 2024

October 23, 2024


In this edition of Freshly Baked at Leegality, you will see:

  • eSign link delivery logs and how to identify delivery issues
  • How to verify the signer’s identity with Quick Sign
  • How to easily reconcile NeSL and non-NeSL stamps
  • NeSL article code changes in Meghalaya, Manipur and Puducherry

Hi, we’re back with Freshly Baked at Leegality.

For new readers, Freshly Baked at Leegality is where you can learn about all product updates, feature launches, and product enhancements.

This month, we have made minor product enhancements to give you a better experience.

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Let’s get started with this month’s updates:

Quick Sign with Face Match and User Liveliness

Quick Sign is the fastest way to eSign without needing an OTP. Previously, we focused on optimizing Quick Sign for speed and did not verify the signer’s identity. 

However, since launching Quick Sign, we've received feedback from clients requesting the ability to verify the signer’s identity, particularly those using Quick Sign for KFS documents.

That’s why, now you can use Face Match and Smart User Liveliness with Quick Sign.

With Smart User Liveliness, you ensure a real person is eSigning your agreement. We also use AI to prevent signers from putting up a photo or video in front of a camera for Face Capture.

With Face Match, you can match the signer’s real-time face capture against a photo of theirs collected during say KYC or against their government-approved ID.

Verify signer's identity with Quick Sign
Verify signer's identity with Quick Sign

Notifications Logs

Sometimes when you send a document to eSign, your customer may not get the eSign invite. They reach out to you for status and often you don’t have the answers. 

With Notification Logs, you can get delivery status and receipts so you can know exactly what happened to their eSign invite via email, SMS, or WhatsApp.

Read more about this feature - here

Note, that this update is only available on the new dashboard.

Notification Logs

Easily reconcile NeSL and non-NeSL stamps

Next is an update regarding the stamp serial no placement fix for documents that have both stamps via Leegality & NeSL.

Up until now, when documents had stamps from both, Leegality stamp serial no & NeSL’s certificate no were printed on the right side of the document, and they overlapped each other. This made both pieces of information illegible.

Leegality Stamp serial no and NeSL certificate no overlapped each other

To fix this, we now print Leegality details i,e; document ID & stamp serial no on the left and NeSL certificate no on the right. 

New placement of Leegality Stamp serial no

NeSL Article code changes

NeSL has updated the article code of the following states - 

State New Article Code What is this article code for
Meghalaya 1061 Dead of Hypothecation
1062 Suplementary Dead of Hypothecation
Puducherry 1002 Agreement relating to deposit of title deeds, pawn or pledge
1079 Mortgage dead - when possession is not given or agreed to be given as foresaid
1044 Customs Bond
Manipur 1001 Acknowledgement
1003 Agreement or Memorandum of an Agreement
1007 Bond
1051 Agreement relating to deposit of title deeds, pawn, pledge or hypothecation
1008 Cancelation
1050 Bank Guarantee/Letter of Credit
1023 Power of Attorney(different types)

Thanks for making it to the end :)

See you next month!

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